Borrow Technology Equipment
The North Haven Memorial Library is now offering patrons the opportunity to borrow technology equipment including mobile hotspots, Chromebooks, and iPads. Best of all, our technology equipment is FREE to borrow with your registered library card that is in good standing!
Equipment Available to Borrow

Hot Spots
A Wi-Fi hotspot is a pocket-sized portable device you can use to connect a mobile-enabled device (such as a laptop, smartphone or tablet) to the Internet, without having to plug anything in. It’s perfect for those who have no internet access at home, are going to the park or on vacation, or taking their business on the road.

Chromebooks are small laptop computers that operate using the Chrome operating system rather than the Windows or MAC operating Systems. Google products, such as Gmail, Google Docs (for word processing) and Google Sheets (spreadsheets) are the default software.

The iPad is a touchscreen tablet made by Apple that users can interact with directly through finger strokes. This portable device can be used for browsing the web, checking email, listening to music, watching movies, reading e-books and playing games, among other things.
How to Borrow & Frequently Asked Questions
How do I check out a device?
Technology equipment is available at the adult circulation desk on a walk-in basis. Technology equipment checkouts must be completed no later than 15 minutes before closing time. All borrowers must read and sign the Technology Loan Agreement, agreeing to abide by the library's Public Computer and Wireless Internet Access Policy and lending requirements, prior to borrowing any technology equipment.
Can I reserve technology?
Sorry hotspots, Chromebooks, and iPads cannot be reserved through the library's catalog. However, North Haven residents may call the library to check availability and request that a technology item be held for a 2-hour period.
Who can check out a device?
Adults, 18+ that have a registered library card in good standing (unexpired and less than $25 in total fines). If you are not a North Haven resident, you must get a library card from your hometown and be registered within the LION library system to borrow a device. Children ages 14+ may borrow technology equipment if their parent/guardian signs the Guardian Technology Permission Form, accepting full financial responsibility for any loss or damage to equipment borrowed by the juvenile.
Are there any limits on borrowing hotspots, Chromebooks, or iPads?
Yes. There is a limit of one hotspot per family, per loan period. There is a limit of one Chromebook or iPad per person, per loan period.
How long can I borrow technology equipment for?
You can borrow a technology equipment for 3 weeks. Renewals are not available. Overdue equipment will be deactivated within 24 hours beyond their due date. After 3 days being overdue, items will be considered lost and will be billed.
Where can I return technology equipment?
All technology equipment MUST be returned, in good working condition, to the North Haven Memorial Library's adult circulation desk at least 15 minutes before closing time. Technology equipment may NOT be returned to another library NOR in the library's book drops. Failure to return technology equipment to the adult circulation desk may result in automatic suspension of technology borrowing privileges as well as the possible cost of damage/replacement fees.
How do I renew it?
Technology equipment is non-renewable at this time. Upon returning technology equipment, you must wait 24 hours before you are allowed to borrow technology equipment again.
How much does it cost?
Borrowing and using the device is free! However, charges will apply for overdue and/or lost/damaged items.
What if I lose or return equipment late?
If a hotspot, Chromebook, or iPad is lost, please contact the library immediately. Though the library is late fine free for most items, that does not apply to technology equipment. There is a $5 per day late fee applied to overdue technology equipment. If you lose technology equipment, you are responsible for the full replacement cost. The replacement cost for all technology equipment is listed on the Technology Loan Agreement, which you must read and sign before borrowing any technology equipment.
What if the device is lost, stolen, or damaged?
Please report the incident to the library. Deliberate altering of any files or modifying the configuration of library-owned equipment is strictly prohibited. Technology equipment must be kept in a temperature-controlled environment (not left in vehicles or in extreme temperatures). You are responsible for the replacement cost of technology items borrowed that are not returned in good working condition. The replacement fees for lost items are listed on the Technology Loan Agreement, which you must read and sign before borrowing any technology equipment.
What if I need help with a hotspot, Chromebook, or iPad?
All Chromebooks come with a quick start guide in their carrying cases. Guides for hotspots and iPads are available upon request. If you still need help using a any of the technology equipment, please contact the library during open hours, up to 30 minutes before closing.
How many devices can be connected to the hotspot?
You can connect up to 15 devices to a hotspot. This includes smartphones, tablets, and computers.
Can I use the hotspot when I travel outside the United States?
No, the hotspots only work in the U.S.
Can I use the hotspot to make phone call or send/receive text messages?
No, phone calls won't work with the hotspots. SMS text messaging is not compatible with the hotspots, however many
chat-based messaging platforms that use Wi-Fi will work, i.e. iMessage.
Is there any data limit on hotspots?
In general there is no data limit. However, the service provider may lower speed or limit the amount of data that its network can handle for a short time.
If hotspot prompts me to update the software or firmware, what should I do?
The hotspot periodically receives software updates from the service provider. You can accept the update, which may take a few minutes.
Is information about my Internet usage tracked by the library or the service provider?
The North Haven Memorial Library does not have access to or collect specific usage data, and does not provide patron information to the service provider.
Does the library block websites/contact I want to access?
Yes. In order to receive federal funding, the library must comply with guidelines in the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)], and filters its computers and access to the internet through its network and devices. Certain websites you might try to access may automatically be blocked from use. Please be advised that even though the library filters access to obscene visual depictions, pornography, and/or other material harmful to minors, it is the responsibility of the parent to monitor their children in their internet usage when utilizing these devices. The library is not responsible for information accessed using this device or for personal information that is shared over the internet. The library is not responsible for any liability, damages, or expenses resulting from the use or misuse of technology equipment, its connection to other electronic devices, or data loss resulting from its use.
Please note: The library is not responsible for any liability, damages, or expenses resulting from the use or misuse of technology equipment, its connection to other electronic devices, or data loss resulting from its use.