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Rotary Job & Career Corner

In January, 1980, The Rotary Club made its first donation to the North Haven Memorial Library as a project to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Rotary Club.  The library's reference librarian, Pat Ardito, worked with Frank Diamond, Manuel Oliveira, Bill Baskett, Andy Arciuolo, and John Graef of the Rotary Club, to determine how the Rotary Club's collection would best suit the library and its patrons. They determined the money would fund materials based on planning and training for jobs and careers "in today's market and in the economy of the future," and covered "as broad an interest and age range as possible: youth, women in the work force, mid-career change, women reentering job market after marriage and children, and retirement job possibilities."


Both the initial donation, and the Rotary's desire to support jobs and career resources at the library, have evolved over the years.  With the annual support of the Rotary, the library now has a dedicated section of the reference department called the "Rotary Job and Career Corner."  This area houses resources covering job preparation, test preparation, starting a business, changing careers, and many more topics.  The "Job and Career Corner" at the North Haven Memorial Library was the first of its kind in the State of Connecticut.  Following this cooperative venture between the public library and the Rotary Club, others across the country have used this model to establish their own Job and Career Corners.


With online resources becoming the "go-to" method for career research, JobNow, a job and career database, was purchased with funding from the Rotary Club in 2016. This online tool, accessed via the library's website, features:


  • Receiving live job coaching

  • Real-time interview practice

  • Full-service resume lab

  • Job search tools

  • Live tutoring and homework assistance

  • Test prep materials including GRE, and career certification practice tests

  • Microsoft Office Essential Skills Series

  • Career path guidance

  • U.S. Citizenship preparation tools

  • Foreign language lab including Spanish-speaking support



The North Haven Memorial Library thanks the Rotary Club for     their continued support of these vital services to our community.

photo of the rotary section including bookshelves and tables and chairs
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17 Elm Street

North Haven, CT 06473

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