Parent Resources
Parent Shelf
In order to help make resources easier to find, the Children’s Department has a dedicated parent shelf full of helpful books for parents, teachers and caregivers.
This shelf has books both for adults to read and for adults to read to children on topics ranging from potty training to family changes. Resources include understanding and managing care for children with special needs.
Useful Websites
State of Connecticut's Parent Resources
Includes the CT Department of Education's:
A Parent’s Guide to Special Education in Connecticut – Spanish Version
Bullying and Harassment
Connecticut Core Standards for Parents
Immunization Laws and Regulations
School Governance Councils
The Student Success Plan
211Childcare Locator
2-1-1 Child Care is a free, confidential, and statewide service which helps match the requests of parents with child care providers and programs. Enter your child(ren)s age(s) and zipcode to find a list of providers in your area.
State of Connecticut's Parent Parents & Community
Child Nutrition, Health Programs & Services
Emotional/Mental/Social Health & Positive School Climate
Bullying, Character Education, Safe and Drug-Free Schools, School Climate, School Social Work, School Psychology, Primary Mental Health Program, and School Climate
Family & Community Involvement and Youth Development Programs
After School Initiatives, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Extended School Hours Programs, Faith Based Programs, Family Resource Centers, Family Literacy, Homeless Education, Learn and Serve America, School-Family-Community Partnerships, Young Parents Program, and Youth Service Bureaus.
No Child Left Behind/Every Student Succeeds Act
This link provides information for teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, students, parents and the community regarding the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2007.
Choice programs provides enrollment options and information for parents and students about educational choices now available in Connecticut. There are answers to basic questions about the operation of the schools or program. Q & A’s for open choice; interdistrict magnet schools; state technical high schools; charter schools; regional agriculture science and technology education centers; and interdistrict cooperative grant programming.
Connecticut Schools Openings/Closings
The Bureau of Special Education oversees Connecticut’s compliance with state and federal special education laws and regulations. Information, resources and guidelines regarding special education are available at this site
American Medical Association's Doctor Finder
This online physician Locator helps you find a perfect match for your medical needs DoctorFinder provides you with basic professional information on virtually every licensed physician in the United States. This includes more than 814,000 doctors. Need to find a specialists? You can search by specialty, city, state, zip or look up a physician by name.
Connecticut Parenting Education Network
Works to improve the social, emotional, and educational lives of Connecticut’s children and families.
Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance
Is a group of organizations and individuals committed to improving developmental outcomes in the areas of learning, health, safety and economic security for children ages birth to eight. They want all Connecticut children to grow up eager to learn and ready for school success, and their families to become, if they are not already, economically self-sufficient.
Parent to Parent USA
Parent to Parent programs offer parent to parent support as a core resource for families with children who have a special health care need, disability, or mental health issue. Through a one to one "match" experienced support parents provide emotional support to families and assist them in finding information and resources. Parent to Parent programs are committed to listening and learning from families and developing an array of services and supports in response to family identified needs.
Kids's Health
Visit our Kids & Teen Health Resource section on our Health Page