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Library Cards

Did You Know......

  • You can use your current library card at any public library in the State of Connecticut

  • You can return most borrowed items to any public library in the state and they will be returned to their home library

  • You can request items from any library in the state and have them shipped to the North Haven Memorial Library for pickup

Eligibility for a North Haven Memorial Library Card:


Full-time Town Residents:

Temporary library cards are available to North Haven residents through the online application. They are issued for a period of 90 days. (Click here to register for temporary card). For permanent North Haven Memorial Library cards, North Haven residents must visit the library and fill out a library card application, have photo ID (i.e. driver's license, passport, or State of Connecticut ID) and have proof of their North Haven home address.  If you have recently moved and have not yet updated the address on your photo ID, please also bring an official piece of mail (i.e. utility  bill or mortgage bill) with your name for proof of residency. Library cards expire 5 years from date of issuance/renewal.  


If you live in another Connecticut town, please apply for a library card in that town. You will be able to use this card at the North Haven Memorial library if your home account is current and in good standing. If you are not in the LION system, you will need to bring in this card and identification with your current address to register at the North Haven Memorial Library. 

Town Businesses:

Businesses located in North Haven are eligible to receive a Business Library Card at no cost. This card provides access to the North Haven Memorial Library’s online databases and circulating collections. The card will be issued to the owner or officer who has the authority to assume financial responsibility for fees/fines.  Requests for a Business Library Card must be made on business letterhead and accompanied by a document showing proof of responsibility/ownership such as a tax bill, lease agreement, or utility bill reflecting the name of the business.  

The Business Library Card may only be used to check out North Haven Memorial Library materials or to access online services. It may not be used at other libraries or for requesting interlibrary loans.


Group Homes:

Group homes located in North Haven are eligible to receive a Library Card at no cost. This card provides access to the North Haven Memorial Library’s online databases and circulating collections. The card will be issued to the owner or officer who has the authority to assume financial responsibility for fees/fines.  Requests for a Library Card must be made on business letterhead and accompanied by a document showing proof of responsibility/ownership such as a tax bill, lease agreement, or utility bill reflecting the name of the group home.

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17 Elm Street

North Haven, CT 06473

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