The Library will be CLOSED on Monday, 1/20/25, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
17 Elm Street North Haven CT 06473
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General Research
AtoZdatabases is the Premier Job Search, Reference & Mailing List Database including:
30 million business & executive profiles
220 million residents. Ideal for sales leads
Background criminal search before you find a babysitter or contractor
Mailing lists
Market research
Employment opportunities
Finding friends and relatives, and much more!
Live training webinars held 6 times per week!
Topic Search contains full text for tens of thousands of articles from diverse sources, including international newspapers, EBSCO's collection of periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets and government information
researchIT CT offers free online resources as a service of the CT State Library. Here you will find journal, magazine, and newspaper articles for Connecticut public, K12, and academic libraries and their users. We also offer a collection of downloadable eAudios and eBooks for Connecticut residents with valid CT public library card numbers. To lean more about, click play:
Main File is a multi-disciplinary database with coverage of all aspects of academic study and general interest subject areas. Includes more than 4,300 full-text magazines and journals and nearly 250 full-text newspapers and newswires, and over 2,900 full-text reference books and encyclopedias
Designed specifically for public libraries, MasterFILE Premier provides full text for magazines, reference books, and primary source documents and an Image Collection with photos, maps & flags.
We have a page of resources for students categorized for elementary school, middle school, and high school students. Click to go to Student Resources.
AtoZ is for North Haven residents only and must be accessed through the North Haven Memorial Library's website. To use AtoZ, you must access in the library OR create an account using your current North Haven library card, then login. Topic Search, Main File, Master File and researchIT CTare provided by the State of Connecticut and are available to any Connecticut resident with a current library card. To use these resources you must login using your current library card number.
Exclusive online full text for many top consumer legal reference books, full-text publications and legal forms, with more content added on a regular basis. Thousands of state-specific legal forms – searchable by top subject areas including Adoption, Bankruptcy, Name Changes and more.
Legal Information Source is provided by the State of Connecticut an is available to any Connecticut resident with a current library card.
To use this resource you must login using your current library card number.