Gift Materials Policy
The North Haven Memorial Library welcomes monetary gifts and bequests.
The Library accepts gifts of library materials but reserves the right to evaluate them for permanent inclusion in the collection in accordance with the same principles and criteria set forth in the Material Selection Policy. Arrangement for gifts may be made through the Director subject to Town policy.
The library will determine the inclusion, classification, location, and circulation status of all gift items just as with purchased items.
The library reserves the right to add, sell, or discard any donated items.
No conditions may be imposed by the donor as to the disposition of the materials.
The library cannot render a legal appraised statement of value.
A donor must be willing to assign proper and legal title which can include copyright and literary rights to all gift books, manuscripts, and other materials which have significant monetary value.
Acceptance of materials that require expensive maintenance or preservation will have to be referred to the Board of Selectman so that necessary maintenance appropriations can be made at the time of acceptance. Original works, crafts, artifacts, furniture and items large enough or of a nature to be considered permanent and non-circulating will be referred to the Library Board of Directors for consideration before final acceptance is given.
Bookplates or labels may be affixed to gift items indicating the donor or person the gift honors
The library reserves the right to refuse any gift.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors March 18, 1982
Revised January 19, 2017
Another option for those who wish to donate to the Library is to join the Friends group. To learn more about the Friends, please visit the Friends page.