Computers & WiFi
​The North Haven Memorial Library has 15 computers available for patron use in the Adult Department on the first floor. Adult Computers can be accessed by entering your current library card number or stop by the reference desk for a guest pass.
In the Children's department on the lower level there are 6 game computers, 2 Minecraft computers and two touchscreen computers available for children 12 & under (There is no internet access provided on these computers).
There is free WiFi available throughout the library. Users can connect by selecting NHLBGuest and accepting the library's usage terms, listed below:
Public Computer and Wireless Internet Access Policy
In order to meet the information needs of Town citizens, the North Haven Memorial Library has established public internet access stations and wireless internet access for personal computers and devices. The North Haven Memorial Library is unable to monitor or control the content of material through this medium. Parents/guardians of children under 18 are responsible for their children’s use of the internet and the Town of North Haven shall not be responsible for supervising, monitoring, or controlling use of the internet.
Not all sources on the internet provide information that is accurate, complete, current, or legal. The North Haven Memorial Library staff is unable to monitor or control the content of the materials on the internet, therefore the Library makes the following disclaimers concerning each patron’s use of the internet:
The Library and the Town make no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing.
The Library and the Town expressly disclaim liability and shall not be held liable for any material obtained through the Library’s website or its internet access or the use of such material even if the material is unlawful, incomplete, incorrect or harmful in any way. Use of information obtained from these resources is made at the user’s risk, and the Library and the Town of North Haven shall not have any liability for accuracy or quality of the information obtained through these resources.
The Library does not endorse the content of any material obtained from the internet.
As with most public wireless networks, the Library’s wireless network is not secure. Any information transmitted (including credit card numbers, passwords, and other sensitive information) could potentially be intercepted by another computer user.
The Library and the Town shall not be liable for, and each user assumes the risk of, damages suffered by reason for errors or omissions of the user, of any patron, or any Library staff member. Such damage may include, but is not limited to, loss of data resulting from delay, non-delivery, misdelivery, or service interruption.
Acceptable Use Regulations
The internet resources of the North Haven Memorial Library shall be used only in accordance with these Regulations:
No illegal use is permitted.
The Library’s internet workstations are in public areas and are shared by patrons of all ages. Therefore, all patrons must refrain from accessing potentially offensive information or images.
This includes material that is obscene or pornographic.
It is illegal for library users to use the Library’s internet access to view, print, distribute, display, send or receive images, text or graphics of materials defined as in the Connecticut General Statues as “obscene” (Section 53a-193*) or which would likely “impair the health or morals” of a child under sixteen (Sec. 53-21*).
Users may not violate copyright or trademark laws, software licensing agreements or intellectual property rights, or download material (including peer to peer sharing) covered by these laws, agreements, and property rights without compliance therewith.
Users shall evaluate the resources available on the internet and access at their own risk.
Users shall be considerate of other users and their privacy.
Users who release their personal information including personal identification, credit card or bank account numbers, etc. do so at their own risk.
Users shall not install or download non-Library software programs on Library computers.
Users shall not destroy, degrade, or disrupt, any software, or equipment. That activity is considered a crime and includes, but is not limited to, tampering with computer hardware and software, vandalizing or modifying data, invoking computer viruses, attempting to gain access to restricted or unauthorized networks or network services, or violating copyright laws or software license agreements.
Users agree to accept these regulations.
Users shall immediately report any security problem or breaches of these requirements to a member of the Library staff.
Minors and the Use of the Internet
Parents and guardians of children under 18 years old are responsible for their children’s use of the internet. The Library does not censor any patron’s (including a minor’s) access to materials or protect minors from information which may be considered to be offensive, controversial, or sexually explicit.
Internet access in the Children’s Department is for the use of children 14 years of age and under.
Training and Education
The availability of Library staff to help users with Internet use is limited. Workshops are scheduled to introduce methods for accessing the Internet when appropriate staff time is practical.
Interruption of Service and Maintenance
The Library staff may interrupt patron’s internet use if access is required for Library business purposes, periodic maintenance, technical difficulties, or staff use.
Penalties for Violations
The use of the North Haven Memorial Library information resources is a privilege – not a right.
Any user of electronic information resources who is found to have violated any provision of these Regulations shall be subject to having his or her computer and Library access privileges suspended or revoked.
All users shall be required to compensate the North Haven Memorial Library, the Town, and others for any and all damage caused by their violation of these Regulations.
The Library reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to amend these Regulations and to modify and suspend internet use privileges.
Adopted by the Library Board of Directors November 17, 2016