Get a Business Library Card
Businesses located in North Haven are eligible to receive a Business Library Card at no cost. This card provides access to the North Haven Memorial Library’s online databases and circulating collections. The card will be issued to the owner or officer who has the authority to assume financial responsibility for fees/fines. Requests for a Business Library Card must be made on business letterhead and accompanied by a document showing proof of responsibility/ownership such as a tax bill, lease agreement, or utility bill reflecting the name of the business.
The Business Library Card may only be used to check out North Haven Memorial Library materials or to access online services. It may not be used at other libraries or for requesting interlibrary loans.
Research Databases
AtoZdatabases is the Premier Job Search, Reference & Mailing List Database including:
30 million business & executive profiles
220 million residents. Ideal for sales leads
Background criminal search before you find a babysitter or contractor
Mailing lists
Market research
Employment opportunities
Finding friends and relatives, and much more!
Live training webinars held 6 times per week!
**AtoZ is for North Haven residents and North Haven Business Library card holders only and must be accessed through the North Haven Memorial Library's website. Do not go directly to AtoZcom. You must access in the library OR create an account using your current North Haven library card, then login.**
The ABI/INFORM Collection is comprised of ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry, and ABI/INFORM Dateline. The collection features:
Key business and economics periodicals such as:
The Economist
Sloan Management Review
Country-and industry-focused reports
Major news sources like the Wall Street Journal
Thousands of full-text journals
Working papers
Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.
ABI/Inform is provided by the State of Connecticut and is available to any Connecticut resident with a current library card.
To use the ABI/Inform you must login using your current library card number.
How-To Training: provides quality and innovative online learning
opportunities to anyone wishing to improve upon their skills in technology, literacy, math, design, jobs and more! The entire concept behind what they do is to educate learners and empower them to have the
skills necessary to be successful in both work and life. And it’s all completely free. You do not need to create an account to use it.
Learn more below:
SBA Learning Center
SBA is a free resource that anyone can access provided by the federal government.
SBDC Training Courses
The SBDC has webinars and recordings available. topics include Building Your Business: Navigating Connecticut's Resource Toolbox,cybersecurity, SBA Online Learning Center, Finding and Attracting Investors, Take Your Business Global, and many more.
SBDC Connecticut is a free non-profit resource that anyone can use.
Please use at your own discretion.
Writing a Business Plan
SCORE Business Plan Template for a Startup Business
Includes instructions for writing each section of the business plan, followed by fillable worksheet. Sections:
Executive Summary
Company Description
Products and Services
Marketing Plan
Operational Plan
Management & Organization
Startup Expenses & Capitalization
Financial Plan
Refining Your Plan
Small Business Administration - Create Your Business Plan
This Business Plan Tool provides you with a step-by-step guide to help you get started. Sections include:
Executive Summary
Company Description
Market Analysis
Organization & Management
Service or Product Line
Marketing & Sales
Funding Request
Financial Projections
How to Make Your Business Plan Stand Out
These resources are provided by non-profit and government agencies that anyone can access. Please use at your discretion.
State and Federal Contracts
State of Connecticut - Pursue State and Federal Contracts
Doing business with the State
Ethics forms
Procurement Assistance
Working with the Connecticut Department of Transportation
CPTAP - Connecticut Procurement Technical Assistance Program
Help Connecticut businesses
Compete for
Win federal, state and local government contracts
Small Business Administration - Government Contracts Classroom
Opportunities for small businesses
How to find government contact opportunities and customers
SCORE - Government Contracting
Mentor-Protege programs
How to contract with the Federal Government
Become an accomplished Government Contractor EGuide
These resources are provided by non-profit and government agencies that anyone can access. Please use at your discretion.
Community Resources
North Haven Economic Development
If you are interested in opening a new business, moving your existing business or would like to be involved in the future development of North Haven, click here or call. 203-239-5321 x 680
Town Departments
Phone Numbers
x 610
x 405
x 430
x 650
x 440
x 400
x 680
x 620
x 440
Connecticut Economic Resource Center
CERC works with businesses of all sizes – from local to global – to help them start, expand or relocate in Connecticut. Through our "concierge" support, we link companies to appropriate municipal, regional, state or federal programs to grow their business, and provide support to the state's business recruitment and retention efforts. In addition, CERC has relationships with the commercial and industrial real estate community, including brokers, developers and related firms.
Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce
The Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce is a business association of over 550 members, from sole proprietorships to large international companies, and local non-profit organizations. Through a full calendar of events and programs, the Chamber supports business and community growth, provides legislative, educational and marketing opportunities to its members.
The mission of The Greater New Haven Chamber is to provide unrivaled partner services and lead regional economic growth through bold and effective advocacy. Serving Bethany, Branford, Cheshire, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Madison, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Orange, Wallingford, West Haven, and Woodbridge.
Connecticut provides a conducive environment for growth across a diverse array of businesses. From emerging entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 companies,

Connecticut welcomes all sizes of organizations across all types of industries, with businesses in advanced manufacturing, bioscience and insurance doing exceptionally well here. To explore the support Connecticut offers that may be most appropriate for your organization, click here.
Starting & Growing Your Business:
Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
Entrepreneurs seeking practical, experienced-based, free business advice can get it through the Service Corps of Retired Executives, which provides business coaches to small startup businesses and advice to established companies.
Small Business Development Center (CTSBDC)
The CTSBDC provides no-cost advising services to both prospective and existing business owners to help them start or expand their business. The advising services include:
Business plan review
Startup assistance
Financial analysis
Market research
Marketing and social media training
Budget preparation and forecasting
Export consulting
Business disaster or disruption preparation
The SBA Business Smart Toolkit is a ready-to-use workshop toolkit developed to launch a business idea and understand the steps to building a business that is credit ready. The information is laid out simply in three modules:
Basics of Business startup
Essentials of becoming credit-ready
How and where to find additional small business support and educational resources
Learn the steps to start a small business, get financing help from the government, and more including how to sell to the government and filing and paying business taxes.
University of Hartford Entrepreneurial Center (EC)
The University of Hartford Entrepreneurial Center offers business advising, training, technical assistance, mentoring and networking opportunities.
Women’s Business Development Council (WBDC)
The Women's Business Development Council (WBDC) is the leader of entrepreneurial and financial training for women in Connecticut. WBDC offers workshops, financial advice, and professional development.
State of CT Business Startup Tool
The Business Startup Tool will help you to get your business started in Connecticut on the right footing, using an online tool that leads you easily through all the steps.
If you operate an existing foreign entity that is formed under the laws of another jurisdiction, you can also use the Business Startup Tool to register your Certificate of Authority. The Business Startup Tool is brought to you by Secretary of the State Denise W. Merrill.
Additional State of Connecticut Resources
The State offers many useful tools including:
Start Your Business
Business advice​
Registration and licensing​
Environamental Guidelines
High-tech Startup tools
Resources for Data and Research​​
Small -Minority or Women-Owned Business opportunities, resources and support
Grow Your Business
Finding a location
​Finding and Training Talent​
Funding Business Growth​​
Going global​
Lower Energy Costs​
​Relocate Your Business to Connecticut​​
Resources for Data and Research​​
Tax Incentives​​
Popular Links for State of Connecticut Businesses:​​
Help- Call the Business Help Line 1-800-392-2122
These resources are provided by non-profit and government agencies that anyone can access. Please use at your discretion.
Human Resources
Provided by the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics.. The OOH can help you find career information on duties, education and training, pay, and outlook for hundreds of occupations.​
State of Connecticut - Finding and Training Talent
Hiring resources
Career fairs
No cost- recruitment space
Listing of colleges and universities
Connecticut's 5 Workforce Development regions​
Subsidized training and employment program​
Hiring Vets first
Tax and training incentives
Small Business Administration - Human Resources
New Hire reporting in Connecticut
Foreign workers, immigration and employee eligibility
Hiring people with disabilities
Child labor
Terminating employees
These resources are provided by non-profit and government agencies that anyone can access. Please use at your discretion.